Parents often face special challenges. Because with children, it is not always easy to keep a clean and tidy household without spoiling the mood of the children. Here are 10 amazing daily tips for everyday family life.

Daily Tips for keeping order

The order is necessary. But it is often difficult to maintain, for example in the children’s room. The following five life hacks can help:

  1. Do you know the fries for the pool? You can also cut them into pieces and use them as tensioners in children’s boots. This avoids damaging them and preserves the materials (leather, rubber) while giving a more orderly appearance.
  2. Shower caps can also be used to protect the stroller wheels. So the floor of your apartment will always be clean.
  3. A wall-mounted magnet for kitchen knives is just as ideal for storing small cars.
  4. Shoe racks or old hanging CD storage systems are ideal for storing Lego.
  5. Before washing the socks, place them in a laundry bag so that you do not have to search for pairs each time.

Candy tips

The following daily tips will make life easier for parents when it comes to sweets:

  1. Children love stick ice cream. Unfortunately, children tend to get dirty when they eat them. To avoid this, take a cupcake pan, slit it, and slide the stick through from below.
  2. A yogurt placed in the freezer and the ice cream is ready! Then just slide a spoon through the lid to make a stick.
  3. Fruit and vegetables are also part of the diet – fill a 12-muffin pan or an ice cube tray with pieces of colorful and varied fruit and vegetables. In between, you can also slip a small candy or a salty snack – it affects and makes you want!

Game tips

Play is by far the most important thing for our little ones. By playing, they can give free rein to their imagination. These six daily tips related to the game:

  1. To prevent the duck from moving away during the bath, it is advisable to place the child in a laundry basket. He can also grab onto it. The bath must however always be carried out under supervision.
  2. The most popular toys sometimes make a lot of noise, such as cars with a siren. To limit the decibels and preserve the nerves of adults, it is advisable to stick a piece of adhesive tape on the speaker.
  3. Are Barbies and dolls long hair still tangled? A treatment of anti-detangling spray and water can help to style them.
  4. A sandbox with integrated sun protection is very simple to arrange. All you need is a bungalow tent filled with sand and all you need is toys.
  5. Send certain toys “on vacation” regularly and keep them out of the child’s sight. After a few days (or longer), you can bring them out again and your child will find interest in these “old” toys!
  6. Does your child want to paint like the grown-ups? Give him a bucket of water and a large brush and let him paint your fence or table;) He will certainly be wet but will have fun!

Tips for becoming independent

  1. Put the shoes upside down? Help your child by cutting a sticker in the middle and sticking one half on the insole of each shoe. Or draw a half heart instead to help him put on his shoes properly.
  2. Thanks to this trick, toddlers will be able to set the table correctly: tinker with a placemat or take a large paper and draw the place of the fork, knife, glass, and napkin on the sheet. This will allow the child to place the cutlery in the right place.
  3. If your child has nightmares or is afraid of something, a spray “against monsters” or a “spray that gives courage” can work miracles … Fill with water an empty spray (add it if necessary a drop of essential oil) and draw funny patterns on the bottle. Before putting the child to bed, chase the monsters out with the spray!
  4. Not easy to hold cards when playing Uno. DIY together an “instrument” to help the child! Take an egg box with 10 compartments and cut the lid. Cut the protruding points so that the box can hold when turned over. Then make slots in the lockers so that your child can put their cards there (so that nobody can see them).

Life hacks are very useful. They are often found by looking for mundane solutions to solve everyday problems.
