1st hack to save money: Stop competing

People spend a lot of money only on from to be better than others. Think about whether you have this bad habit. And if there is, try to get rid of it. In 90% of cases, just the extra money is spent. Instead of being an expensive smartphone or car, it’s better to save up for an apartment or a house.

2nd hack to save money: Start saving for retirement

Given the unpredictability of our pension legislation, it is advisable to open a replenished deposit as early as possible and make at least 2 – 3% of your income. This does not greatly affect the quality of life, but you will be surprised how much it will be possible to collect in 5 – 10 – 15 years.

3rd hack to save money: Do not keep money at home or on the card.

It is better to defer a financial airbag to replenished and withdrawn contributions. Yes, interest will be small, but still.

4th hack to save money: Take care of financial education

Subscribe to the news of large banks (for example, Tinkoff), at least start occasionally reading financial analytics. In the modern world, it is vital to understand what is happening in the world and the country to be ready for any changes. And most importantly, know how to derive legitimate financial benefits.

5th hack to save money: Set Priorities

The main thing in saving is to separate “need” from “want”. Really necessary expenses should be at the top of the list of expenses. But whims can most often be abandoned. Meanwhile, for most people, up to 30% of the money is spent on just such “I want” minutes. Before you decide to buy something, ask yourself this question, “do I need this?”.

Check checks

The “human factor” plays a role everywhere. And not because the cashier or employee at the reception wanted to deceive you. Just mistakes happen. And the technology as well. But these errors can result in significant expenses on your part.

Feel free to ask about discounts.

Maybe in the clinic where you turned, now there is some kind of action. Or in the store. Or even in a restaurant. Employees themselves will be happy to tell you about special offers, bonuses and discounts.

Install discounted apps

“Edil” and other similar applications will let you know in time about where you can get discounts in stores. This will greatly reduce costs.

Record all expenses

And those included in the planned budget. And even more so, those that occurred spontaneously, unexpectedly. Often at the end of the month we cannot understand where to make such a breakthrough of money precisely because several thousand or even tens of thousands of rubles were spent on unexpected expenses.

Get Health Insurance

Especially if you have a large family. Voluntary medical insurance will significantly save on paid medical services. The main thing is to choose carefully and read reviews.

Deal with tax deductions

You can get back part of the money that your employer deducts from your salary in the form of tax (or which you pay for yourself as an entrepreneur). There are deductions for purchased medicines, for paid education, for real estate – and the entire online registration takes half an hour. And only for medicines can you get more than 15 thousand a year.

Explore government programs

Everyone knows about maternal capital. But this is far from the only existing federal program. Find out what subsidies and aids you have on preferential terms.

Choose banks with insurance

If you intend to open a deposit, make sure that the bank participates in the insurance program. So the amount of up to 1.4 million guaranteed to be safe in any situation.

Change money wisely

If you need cash, never change it at the airport. There will always be a disadvantageous course. But there is another life hack – compare the rate at your bank and in exchangers. Perhaps it will be cheaper to simply pay by card wherever there is such an opportunity.

Do not store eggs in one basket

Old as the world rule, but still working. Never invest in one thing. If you have the opportunity to make savings or at least open a deposit, select several banks. Or even several types of assets. Just be sure to study them in advance.

Use a cashback card

Get a credit card , and then part of the money spent will be returned with a cashback. There are offers with a return of up to 20%. And in order not to have to pay interest, it is enough to pay off the debt before the end of the interest-free period (up to 55 – 100 days).

Do not open deposits of more than 1.4 million

This is the maximum amount that is covered by insurance. Moreover, with a certain amount, the rate starts to fall and the deposit becomes not so profitable.

Check your payments

Not always sent invoices are true. Check if you haven’t found too much. The difference between real and “written out” debt can reach several thousand, and sometimes tens of thousands.

Traditions don’t have to be expensive

The family tradition of gathering in a restaurant or going on vacation is wonderful. But forfeits at home or partying together can be just as fun. But much more inexpensive. Show your imagination – and the holidays will become more fun, and the wallet will be more complete.

Do not miss the free features

We are now not about cheap advertising “go through a full scan and find out that you are terminally ill”, but about official promotions. Large medical and even government centers sometimes offer similar promotions as part of some federal or image-building programs.

Create a Health Fund

Set aside at least 3 – 5% of the income in the “medical fund” – these will be emergency supplies in case of an emergency related to health. It is cheaper than then urgently taking money on credit if someone is sick. And it’s certainly cheaper than not being treated at all, and then paying for the treatment of any “side effects”.
