Do each exercise for 40 seconds. Then rest for 20 seconds and move on to the next. Be sure to warm up before exercising.

Based on personal experience, I will tell you which exercises should be performed in a clear sequence:

lose weight

Running in place.

Run lightly, at a medium pace.


  • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Sit down, pulling your pelvis back as much as possible.
  • Watch your feet: the knee does not go beyond the toe.
  • Return to starting position. 


Jump, spreading your legs to the sides and bringing them together. At the same time, swing your arms up and down.


Do standard push-ups. Girls are allowed to do push-ups from their knees.

Running below.

Stand in the plank position: leaning on your palms and toes, stretch your body into a string. At a fast pace, alternately pull your knees to your chest.

Exercises for the buttocks. 

Get on all fours using your forearms. Swing your leg up and to the side, alternating between your left and right legs.

Jumping at the bottom.

Stand on a plank and jump, spreading your legs to the sides and bringing them together. Open the next page to read more tips for losing weight:

