1. Do not use hot spices in cooking. Seasonings cause heartburn and irritate the lining of the baby’s stomach.
  2. Each new product for a child should be introduced in small quantities, gradually increasing it. This rule is necessary to notice how the child’s body reacts to the product.
  3. The child’s diet should include as much as possible more varied dishes and introduce him to different tastes.
  4. For breakfast, preference should be given to porridge or casseroles, as they are easy to digest.
  5. For lunch, the child should eat soups, and for the second – meat or fish with a side dish.
  6. For dinner, you can offer your child easily digestible vegetables so as not to overload his body.
  7. The child’s diet must include fruits, dairy products, juices, jelly, etc.

How to feed the little one?

Don’t be alarmed if your child is eating poorly. Pay attention to your child’s activity during the day. If the child is playing cheerfully or doing other things without feeling hungry, then there is no need to try to force-feed him.

Remember that it is up to you to feed your children well.

Therefore, if the child does not want to eat some kind of dish, it is better to find a replacement for him. Do not insist on your own, otherwise, the process of eating will not bring joy to you or your child, but will become another reason for conflicts with him.

Decorate the cooked meal.

Use your imagination – make a favorite child’s character from different pieces of food. If the meal will remind the child of the game process and evoke pleasant emotions, then he will more willingly sit down at the table and eat the food offered.

If the child is already about three years old, then you can begin to involve him in cooking. Ask the baby to arrange the plates, lay out the bread, stir it himself, and then pour the soup.

Usually, cooking together mother and child brings both pleasant emotions, teaches interaction and understanding of each other, and promotes good appetite.

Skills proper nutrition also contribute to family traditions about food. For example, the tradition of family dinners, which not only improves appetite but also helps maintain a friendly and warm family atmosphere in the house.

Be healthy and eat right!
