There is nothing worse than stocking up on ingredients and then discovering that they quickly become bad. Don’t want good food to be wasted? Try these handy tips to keep your favorite foods fresh for as long as possible.

Keep the banana tail sealed

Like avocados, bananas do not have a too long shelf life. To make them look fresh, wrap the “tail” of each cluster with duct tape. This will slow down the ripening process.

Do not hold onions and potatoes together

Have you ever wondered why your potatoes quickly go bad? Here’s a tip: start by storing it in a separate place from the onion. Both potatoes and onions release moisture and gases, resulting in faster decay.

Do not store garlic in the refrigerator 

The worst way to store garlic in a sealed container in the refrigerator is to cause bulb growth and mold. Instead, place the garlic in a dry and dark place. 

Do not wash fresh foods before putting them in the refrigerator. 

Washing fruits and vegetables before cooling them will lead to excessive moisture, which promises spoilage of products. If you need to rinse food, make sure you do it immediately before cooking or serving.

 Freeze your wine 

While the wine will be stored for a long time in a closed state, it will quickly turn into an incomprehensible liquid in an open bottle. There is no real way to keep fresh wine for a long time, but if you need it for cooking, then I will tell you one food hack. Simply fill the ice cube tray with the rest, freeze it, and then unfreeze as needed for use in sauces or stews.

Do not let the rotten apple be in the bag with the rest.


We all heard the phrase “one bad apple spoils the barrel,” and that’s true. As they ripen, apples, like other fruits, produce ethylene. When you store fruits together, ethylene from each product makes others ripen faster. So if you see that the apple looks a little worse, remove it immediately. 

Cut the tops of carrots.

Carrots may look beautiful with green stems, but these leafy tops steal nutrients from the rest. Chop them to keep carrots longer.

Freeze milk.

Freezing fresh milk is a great solution if you are not at home. Skimmed or skimmed milk can be stored in the freezer for up to a month. However, freezing fat requires an extremely low temperature (lower than the average in the freezer), so this will not work with whole milk.

Transfer the flour to an airtight container.

Leave the flour in the pack in which you bought it, and you will significantly reduce the life of the product. It is best to transfer it to a sealed glass or plastic container, where it will retain its natural moisture.

Cook in large quantities.

If the cooked dish can be frozen (soups or sauces), then make it in large quantities. Then place the leftovers on the containers and send them to the freezer. Take out as needed.
