Women don’t think about the dangers of nail polish, but it is. And I suggest that you familiarize yourself with this information in order to protect yourself as much as possible. Many even very popular brands of nail polish are much more harmful than you imagine.

The harm is not only for those who apply varnish to their nails but also for those who are nearby and inhale fumes. So the workers of the nail salon are at great risk to their health. The chemicals in nail polish can cause eye injuries, skin irritation, and allergic reactions. In addition, the harmful compound can lead to impaired thinking, breathing problems, nausea, infertility, neuralgic symptoms, and even cancer!


In general, these are not unfounded facts, many nail service workers report constant headaches, skin irritation, and breathing problems.

A study was conducted in which 24 women were tested at once. As a result of using nail polish after 10 hours, they showed signs of triphenyl phosphate. This substance was found in eight out of ten nail polishes.

Triphenyl phosphate gradually begins to destroy the entire endocrine system. This is especially dangerous for young women who dream of becoming a mother. Using varnishes, they harm their entire development, including the reproductive system.

Also, nail polishes are saturated with other harmful substances.


  • Toluene – leads to skin irritation and disrupts the development of the body. It is a solvent used in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, and adhesives for renovation work. This chemical compound can even cause very severe burns and allergies. In particular, its negative effect on the central nervous system is noticeable. Headache, weakness, loss of consciousness, nausea, and kidneys, heart, and even bones are also affected. So that you understand the full scale of the problem, I will say that the use of this substance has long been banned in European countries. Consequently, the cosmetics of European manufacturers are less safe.
  • Formaldehyde is a dangerous carcinogen that dissolves quickly in water and air and can cause asthma, throat irritation, dermatitis, burns, heart rhythm disturbances, seizures, and breathing difficulties. It is used in many decorative cosmetics and household chemicals. It is in the varnish that it is needed to increase the duration of its storage.
  • Dibutyl phthalate – This poses huge health risks. It is used in nail varnishes and other cosmetics as a fragrance. This is a more dangerous product because it leads to the development of malfunctions of the endocrine system, gynecological diseases, and diseases of the respiratory tract.

Be that as it may, but it is worth noting the benefits of nail polishes. If your nails are cracked, exfoliated, and broken, or have an unsightly shade, then you need to use a medicated varnish. But, unfortunately, such funds are not cheap, although you will definitely not regret your purchase. Medicated varnishes contain minerals, vitamins, and oils that can transform your nails in just a month. Well, as a decorative coating, the medical varnish is also well suited. And it will be useful if you use a medicated varnish as a base coat before applying a colored varnish. This way you can reduce its negative effect.


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