Female hormones are no longer a dismissible topic. More and more people, companies and brands are being open and receptive to the impact of hormonal changes on women, from the menstrual cycle to menopause and beyond. But how do hormones affect skincare needs? Cyclic living is a skincare trend that’s in the spotlight right now, with a particular focus on people who have periods and how this affects their skincare needs. But what exactly is it? And can it help you solve your skincare woes?
What is cyclical skin care?
Cyclical living is the practice of aligning elements of your lifestyle with natural cycles, such as the seasons, the lunar cycle, and your menstrual cycle. This approach recognizes that our bodies and energy levels are not constant, so understanding and working with these fluctuations can lead to better mental and physical health and happiness. With this in mind, cyclical living skincare involves tailoring your skincare routine to the different stages of your menstrual cycle to address your skin’s changing needs.
Understanding your menstrual cycle and your skin’s needs
Let’s take a look at the menstrual cycle and how each of them can affect your skincare needs. Before we get into them, it’s important to note that this process is all about tailoring your regimen to your individual needs, so the best way to understand it is by tracking your cycle and taking note of how your skin feels during the phases of your cycle. The menstrual cycle consists of four phases: menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, and luteal phase. Below, we’ll tell you what they are and what your skin may need.
Phase one: menstruation
This is the phase when you have your menstrual period and it usually lasts between 3-7 days. During this phase, your hormone levels are low, so your skin may be more sensitive and prone to breakouts. You may want to consider focusing on gentle moisturizers and cleansing products to soothe your skin during this phase.
Phase two: follicular phase
This phase begins after your period ends and lasts until ovulation. This is when a new egg is growing in the ovary. During this phase, your estrogen levels begin to rise, which can lead to a brighter complexion and increased collagen production. You may want to use this time to focus on exfoliating and incorporating products that promote radiance and hydration.
Phase three: Ovulation
This is the time when the egg is released from the ovary and is available for fertilization. It usually happens about halfway through a 28-day cycle, on day 14. This is when your skin is likely to be at its best, thanks to high levels of estrogen. You may want to focus on maintaining your skincare routine and concentrate on sun protection and moisturizing to encourage radiance. Remember that this won’t be the case for everyone – some people experience breakouts around the time of ovulation!
Phase four: luteal phase
This phase begins after ovulation and lasts until the start of your next period. The hormonal shift is marked by the production of progesterone, which can lead to oilier skin and possible breakouts. Being prepared for this and avoiding skincare products containing oils during this period may be a good option for you.
Does cyclical skin care work?
Paying more attention to your body and the needs of your skin is always beneficial. Even if you’ve already gone through menopause or hormonal contraceptives affect your cycle, it’s worth being aware of how lifestyle and environmental factors affect you. In addition to the menstrual cycle, other cycles you should be aware of when it comes to your skin include the seasons, because the weather and environmental factors such as sun, pollution, central heating and air conditioning can all affect your skin. If you notice that certain foods also trigger skin problems, you can eliminate them as well.
When it comes to your menstrual cycle, by addressing your skin’s specific needs at each stage of your cycle, you can promote a healthier complexion and reduce the likelihood of breakouts and other skin issues that could be avoided with a personalized regimen.
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