You may have noticed (especially if you follow me on Instagram) that I have a couple of stray cats that hang around my house. One of them is very friendly. The neighbors called him Tigre because of his markings.
The first time I saw Tiger, he was resting on my porch and was very thin. I can’t stand seeing a skinny cat or dog, so I started leaving him food and water, and he warmed to me very quickly. Before long, he was running toward me every morning when I walked out the door. He would jump on my lap when I sat in the chair on the front porch. And the most incredible thing, he was lying on his back, kneading with his front paws, purring loudly and letting me rub his belly. He is a very affectionate cat.
The other one is not as friendly or affectionate. He won’t let me get close to him or touch him. If I sneak up on him when he is eating or distracted, he will hiss and hit me. So it’s been harder for me to get a good photo of him since he’s always running and hiding when I’m around. But you can see it in this photo. He is the one furthest to the right. It is mostly solid dark gray with white feet.
I’m determined that he’ll let me pet him and even pick him up before it’s all said and done, but for now, he’s keeping his distance. He comes running for food every morning when I feed Tiger, but he stops before he gets too close and then just meows loudly at me to let me know he’s hungry too. So I started preparing food for both of them.
As I started to park the truck in the garage, I noticed that Tiger began spending a lot of time on top of the truck and sleeping there.
I don’t mind that at all because being on top of the truck keeps it safe from predators on the ground, and being under the garage keeps it safe from predators in the sky. So I like that he found a safe place to take a nap. But the cold is coming and I want to give these cats a comfortable, warm place to sleep.
We are in central Texas, so our cold weather comes a little later than other areas of the country. Right now, we’re still in the 70s and 80s during the day, but our nights are starting to cool down, with lows starting to dip into the 40s. So even though it’s not cold and we probably won’t have truly winter weather until January, I want to be ready and have a comfortable, cozy place where these cats can warm up and sleep.
Anything I buy or build, I’ll need two of them. These cats tolerate each other quite well as long as there is distance between them. I place their food bowls about a foot apart and they can eat well side by side. But if they are just lying down and one gets too close to the other, they start hissing and hitting each other. Then they will definitely need separate houses.
I’ve never been worried about outdoor cats before, so I’m not sure what to look for. I’m guessing they would be more comfortable with something that can be heated, so I’m considering this one (affiliate link). The price seems reasonable considering I would need two.
But I also like this one (affiliate link). It’s a bit more (but coupons are available), but I like that it’s elevated off the ground and also has an escape door in case a predator lurks.
Anyway, like I said, this will be my first winter caring for outdoor cats and I’m not really sure what’s best for them. I’m sure some of you have a lot more experience with this, so if you have any input or guidance, please let me know! And if you’ve found the perfect heated cat house that won’t cost you much, let me know. I want to be prepared long before they are really needed and the cold hits.
Addicted 2 Decorating is where I share my DIY and decorating journey as I remodel and decorate the 1948 upper that my husband, Matt, and I purchased in 2013. Matt has MS and can’t do physical work, so I do most of the I work at home alone. You can learn more about me here.