While your Elf on the Shelf runs around your house during the holidays, use these free printable Elf on the Shelf notes to make interacting with the elf more fun.
If you’ve never heard of an Elf on the Shelf, it’s a Christmas tradition where you introduce a stuffed Elf into your home and let your children know that the Elf will stay with them throughout the Christmas season. The Elf can get up to mischief while the kids are sleeping and leave notes like these Elf on the Shelf notes!
When you introduce an Elf on the Shelf to your home during the holidays, be sure to present it with an Elf Arrival Letter, a Personal Elf Door, and an Elf Farewell Letter. And, if you need help with ideas on how to get your elf to interact with your family, check out our Elf on the Shelf cheat sheet!
How to Print Your Elf on the Shelf Notes
We’re providing you with these easy Elf on the Shelf notes that you can print and cut out! Just make the Elf’s “sign” more exciting for the kids!
Simply click the button below to download the PDF and print it with colored ink on a printer!
How to use your elf notes
Here are some ideas for each of the 16 notes you can find in the Elf on the Shelf printable notes! Each of these notes can be left somewhere for your children to find, sometimes accompanied by a surprise.
- “Wow! Thank you for all this paper because I was able to make snowflakes!– Use toilet paper, paper towels, or printer paper to make snowflakes and leave the elf’s note along with them!
- “Do you want to draw me a picture!?”– Leave this note with paper and paint or crayons for your child to make a special drawing for their elf friend.
- “Wow! Your Christmas tree is great.”– Place this note with the Elf on the Christmas tree for the little ones to find!
- “I hid 5 ornaments… Can you find them?”– Take 5 ornaments off the tree and hide them. Then, place this Elf note along with the Elf on or near the tree!
- “There are 5 days until Christmas! 5 days! 5 days!”– You can use these notes as a fun way to start the countdown to Christmas.
- “Will you read a Christmas book with me?”– Place this Elf note with the Elf, holding one of your child’s favorite Christmas books! This is great for bedtime!
- “Mmm… What’s for breakfast!?”– Place this note on the kitchen table before the kids wake up!
- “Look what I found!”– This can be used with many things, including something your child has been looking for!
- “Surprise!”– You can use this note for tons of things! Maybe place the Elf and this note with a plate of freshly baked cookies, or a new game, book, or movie.
- “Oops! I made a mess.”– Sometimes the Elf has to eat, right? Leave some crumbs with the Elf and this note for your children to find.
- “I thought you would like this very special gift!”– Leave this note with a gift like a candy cane!
- “10 days! 10 days! 10 days! 10 days!”– Another fun countdown note to use!
- “Brrr… It’s cold here.”– Even the Elf on the Shelf could get cold in winter! Have the Elf leave this note next to a blanket!
- “Don’t forget to brush your teeth!”– Your elf could convince your kids to brush their teeth with this note left in the bathroom!
- “Have a nice day!”– This is a great note to use before going to school.
- “Listen, I was just looking for the candy, okay?”– Sometimes the Elf on the Shelf can get up to mischief like searching the pantry for candy! Leave the Elf in the pantry with this note for your child to find!
More Elf on the Shelf Ideas
Looking for more fun things to do with your elf during December? Check out our other printables and ideas below!
These Elf Notes for your Elf on the Shelf will make having the Elf in your home so much fun! Keep things interesting and leave a note every day until Christmas!