I’m finally ready to turn my attention to our new bedroom and I’m so excited to get started on this room! I thought I could start last weekend, but I was exhausted. These past few weeks have been very hectic with building my new workshop, cleaning our driveway, finishing up my studio, cleaning out the garage, and other non-home obligations. I was pretty exhausted, so I decided to take the weekend to recover before diving into the bedroom project.
But now I’m ready and I can’t wait to see this room finished! I was excited about it before, when I was trying to make that fabric I had on hand work. But now that I’ve changed that plan and chosen new fabrics, I’m even more excited. I’m on the verge of vertigo.
Here’s the direction I’m going with colors, fabrics, etc.
Of course, the grass cloth will go on top of the walls. I bought enough to use on all walls, not just one accent wall. At the bottom of the walls, I will add wood paneling. I’ve used two types of wainscoting in our house and I’m still not 100% sure which one I’ll use in the bedroom. In the adjacent bathroom I used this type, which I think are called judge panels.
That’s also the style I used in the hall bathroom…
But I used this style of picture frame molding in the music room…
I’m still considering those options, but if I had to choose right now, I’d probably choose the frame molding style for the bedroom and leave the judge panels for the bathrooms.
Of course, we are going to use the bird fabric in an upholstered headboard. I’m leaning toward this style with a clovehead trim. Or you could just use laces. I like the way it looks, but I love the nailhead trim. But the headboard will be tall and beautiful, and will draw attention to the room.
I will use the dark teal velvet for the curtains. The velvet is Ballard Designs Signature Velvet in Deep Teal. On the website, it is priced at $46.50 per yard, but I have a browser extension on my laptop called Microsoft Shopping that will tell me if a product is listed on another website for a cheaper price. And look at this! I was about to make my purchase on the Ballard Designs website for $46.50 per yard and this popup appeared telling me it was cheaper on eBay.
The seller has excellent reviews and assured me that the fabric has no defects. It’s new fabric, not second-hand, and they had a lot of it! So I ended up purchasing 21 yards from this seller for the price I was about to pay for 12 yards on the Ballard Designs website. And for the amount I purchased they gave me a discounted shipping price. So if you don’t have that browser extension, I highly recommend it!
The rest of the fabrics in the image will be used as accents. I would love to use the thick, luxurious velvet on a chair, but that fabric is $159 per yard. I can’t see myself paying that much to cover a chair, which would probably take 5-7 yards of fabric. I could buy a new chair for that price, which is what I’ll probably end up doing.
So here’s my game plan for this room:
First, I need to install a new hardwood floor. Right now, there is only underground there. That flat has been stacked in my breakfast room for weeks, so it should be completely acclimated to our house and ready to go.
Once the floor is installed, I will have to rent the large sander to sand the floors. Then I’ll finish the floors (stain and seal) to match the rest of the house.
After the floors, I’ll start with the walls. I’ve debated whether to do the wainscoting or wallpaper first. I think it makes more sense to do the wainscoting first. I also need to install crown molding.
Once the wainscoting and crown molding are finished, I will hang the grasscloth wallpaper. I’m a little nervous about this step. Grasscloth isn’t the easiest to use because you can’t put wallpaper glue on the front or it will leave marks. But I will watch a lot of videos about the process before to feel more confident.
Next I will make the header. I’m incredibly excited about that project. It’s been a while since I’ve made an upholstered headboard, so I’m really looking forward to seeing this one.
After that, I’ll deal with the curtains. I’m less excited about it only because (1) sewing is not one of my favorite things. I do it because it’s necessary, but I don’t love it. AND (2) I need to make so many curtain panels (six total), and I decided to make the panels for the larger front window with 1.5 widths of fabric each instead of 1 width each. I hate making them, but the final look will be worth it.
Next, I will need to build two nightstands. I shared the ones that really inspired me a couple of weeks ago and decided to continue with these.
I love everything about that nightstand except the price. This one is from Wayfair and costs $1,829. Of course, we need two of them. So I’ll use this as inspiration to build my own.
At some point, I need to shop around and order a new chair or find an older chair to upholster and put in my reading nook. If I’m going to order a new one, I should do it soon. I’ll want one where I can choose the fabric to use it in and they usually take quite a while from order date to delivery date.
I will also need to repaint/refinish the dresser that is in our current bedroom and which we will reuse in our new bedroom. The current color does not work with the new colors and fabrics.
And then I’ll put the final decorating touches on the room, and that’s it! So any bets on how long this will take me? It’s definitely not as complicated as a master bathroom remodel or studio remodel, but there are quite a few projects (sewing, construction, reupholstering) required for this room. I’m really bad at estimating how long things will take to finish, but I can say that Matt and I are very eager to get into our new room. Hopefully I can stay focused and get this done quickly, because then it’s on to the room I’m MOST excited about: the closet and laundry area!
Addicted 2 Decorating is where I share my DIY and decorating journey as I remodel and decorate the 1948 upper that my husband, Matt, and I purchased in 2013. Matt has MS and cannot do physical labor, so I do most of the I work at home alone. You can learn more about me here.