Menopause diet: healthy eating and the impact on your symptoms

Menopause diet: healthy eating and the impact on your symptoms

For women, middle age can be a hormonal roller coaster. But guess what? A great way to help manage this transition is a good menopause diet.

“A woman’s eating pattern, especially during the menopausal transition, can have an impact on hormones,” says Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN and member of MyFitnessPal’s Scientific Advisory Board.

A healthy nutrition plan for women can make a big difference in how you feel during menopause and may even help manage some of the frustrating symptoms.

Understand how menopause affects your body

Menopause is characterized by not having a menstrual period for a full year. It is a natural transition that normally occurs around age 51.

But many women begin to feel symptoms earlier, during the period of hormonal disruption known as perimenopause.

Perimenopause can begin in your mid-30s and cause symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and lack of energy. Estrogen decreases during this time and decreased estrogen can affect bones, muscle mass, and metabolism.

Menopause and weight gain

In your 40s or 50s, you may notice that your favorite jeans fit a little tight, even if your eating habits haven’t changed. Weight gain during this stage of life is common.

“There’s often a lot of guilt about this because people feel like their bodies should look a particular way,” Feller says. Women blame themselves for weight gain. But according to Feller, they shouldn’t. “These changes in body composition could be the result of hormonal changes.”

Feller emphasizes that it is important for women going through perimenopause and menopause to understand that their bodies are still good. “They shouldn’t compare themselves to younger people because their bodies are completely different,” he says.

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Menopause and increased health risks

Weight gain is not the only change women face. “During the menopausal transition, there are changes in blood pressure, blood sugar, and lipid profiles,” says Feller, although it should be noted that menopause is not related to increases in blood pressure, insulin, or glucose beyond of age.

This hormonal change also increases the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women and osteoporosis makes bones more brittle and prone to fractures.

The good news? Learning how to improve your nutrition during perimenopause and menopause can help protect your health.

About the experts:

Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN created Maya Feller Nutrition, based in Brooklyn, where her team focuses on providing culturally sensitive medical nutrition therapy for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, mood disorders, and eating disorders.

Heather Cottrell She has a bachelor’s degree from Fordham University and is also a Certified Health Coach and graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Create high-quality digital content for business and marketing topics.

What to eat during menopause to gain weight and health

Now you know that when it comes to managing menopause, what you eat matters. So what should you eat?

Let’s look at some good options that have been shown to help you stay healthy:

fruits and vegetables

They are your best friends. Low in calories and high in fiber, fruits and vegetables can help you avoid weight gain during menopause while supporting your overall health. The fiber obtained from many agricultural products also reduces the risk of heart disease. This is especially useful now because the risk of heart disease increases around menopause. According to a recent study, a high-fiber diet during this time is also associated with fewer symptoms of depression.

Foods rich in calcium

Your bones need special care before, during and after menopause. Eating more dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and fortified plant milks may help. Adding yogurt or almond milk to your daily routine is an easy way to increase your calcium intake.


Feller recommends paying special attention to protein. “Getting enough protein supports lean body mass, especially when combined with weight-bearing activities,” he says.

She encourages women to vary their protein sources, choosing both plant-based proteins such as beans, seeds and nuts, as well as animal sources. “If they choose to include meat, I prefer lean meats and seafood,” says Feller.

blue fish

Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are packed with omega-3 fatty acids that may help reduce inflammation, protect against depression, and support heart health. Try planning two fish dinners a week to counteract the increased risk of cardiovascular disease that comes with menopause.

Beans and soy

Beans, lentils, and soybeans contain phytoestrogens, which can help control menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. Try a tofu stir-fry or a hearty lentil stew.

unsaturated fats

Walnuts, avocados and olive oil promote heart health. While menopause increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, snacking on almonds and adding avocado to toast as part of a nutritious diet could help reduce it. While seed cycling is popular, there is no strong evidence that it helps with menopausal symptoms, but seeds are still a nutritious option.

Foods to limit or avoid during menopause

While it’s important to add beneficial foods to your menopausal diet, knowing which ones to cut out can be just as crucial.

We’re not saying you have to eliminate everything you love, but limiting the following can help:

Fatty or processed meats

They are high in unhealthy saturated fat and sodium, which can increase the risk of heart disease. Limit bacon, sausages, and deli meats.

refined grains

White bread, pasta and rice can cause blood sugar spikes. Instead, choose high-fiber whole grains, like brown rice and whole wheat bread—they’re more filling and diversify your gut microbiome for good digestive health.

Added sugars

Sweets and snacks with added sugars can cause unwanted weight gain and blood sugar problems. Swap sugary snacks for fruits or nuts and choose water or sugar-free drinks instead of soda.


Alcohol during the menopausal transition can have negative effects. “In general, for all people, alcohol can increase blood pressure,” says Feller. During perimenopause and menopause, this increase in blood pressure can also have an impact on the frequency, as well as the duration, of hot flashes. “Alcohol should be minimized during this transition.”


For some people, caffeine can worsen hot flashes and disrupt sleep. Maybe try cutting back a little to see if it helps. Decaffeinated coffee or herbal tea may be more beneficial for you.

spicy foods

Spicy dishes can cause hot flashes in some people. If you find spicy foods uncomfortable, try to limit them.

Frequently asked questions about the menopause diet

What is the best diet during perimenopause and menopause?

According to Feller, there is no best diet for a person experiencing menopause. “Instead, I encourage people to include all foods in their whole, minimally processed form with minimal added sugars, fats, and salts,” she says.

Besides diet, how can I control menopause symptoms?

In addition to diet, regular physical activity can help reduce hot flashes and prevent weight gain. Strength training can improve bone health. Stress-reducing practices, such as yoga and meditation, can help relieve menopause symptoms.

Does intermittent fasting have any impact on menopause symptoms?

While it may not be for everyone, intermittent fasting can help with weight loss and studies show that when used in conjunction with certain dietary patterns, it may improve insulin sensitivity, which may be beneficial during menopause. However, it is important to make sure you are still getting enough nutrients and consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any fasting regimen.

Conclusion: improving well-being during menopause through diet

Let’s face it: the menopause transition can last a decade and brings a lot of changes. What worked for you before may not be enough now, and that’s completely normal. The key is to listen to your body and make adjustments that align with your current needs.

Whether it’s modifying your diet to prioritize nutrient-dense foods, trying new ways to stay active, or developing your stress management toolkit, your approach to staying healthy and happy during menopause should be as unique as you are.

Above all, remember that it is not your fault. This is a time to support your body with kindness and understanding, not frustration. Accept the changes and focus on what makes you feel better.

How MyFitnessPal Can Help

Whether you’re looking to increase your intake of fiber or calcium-rich foods, reach your protein goals, or manage your weight, the MyFitnessPal app is here to help. You can track your macros to ensure you’re getting a balanced diet of protein, carbs, and fats. The process can be eye-opening!

In addition to nutrition tracking, MyFitnessPal’s exercise logging features and its ability to integrate with more than 40 connected fitness apps can help motivate you to incorporate physical activity into your routine, which is crucial for bone health and general well-being during menopause.

With MyFitnessPal, you are not alone on your journey. Let us help you take control of your health and thrive during menopause and beyond.

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The post Menopause Diet: Healthy Eating and the Impact on Your Symptoms appeared first on the MyFitnessPal blog.

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